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Tuesday, January 31, 2017
One Day at a Time
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Experiments Instead of Plans.
I pointed out decades ago formal business plans kill new businesses.
What do successful startups do instead?
Rather than say they "experiment" with prospects I use the more common term "selling."
Successful business start by selling. The best thing to do to start a new business is to sell something to someone.
Selling is pay as you go market research, and it is much more accurate than a research interview. The question "would you buy this if we had it" and "will you give me a check for this now" are entirely different questions.
For more see my little book on Amazon "Daring Mighty Things-- The Simplest Way to Start Your First (or Next) New Business."
Triggered just now when I watched current conventional thinking about business startup: Google "osterwalder's business model canvas planning kills" there are several videos that make the same points.
Friday, January 20, 2017 Practices of Bounce, Imagine, Think, Learn to; Start, Grow, and Flourish. +AMDG+: Watch the Startup Show Noon Mountain Time each Fri... Practices of Bounce, Imagine, Think, Learn to; Start, Grow, and Flourish. +AMDG+: Watch the Startup Show Noon Mountain Time each Fri...: We talk about startup each Friday. To be a guest on the show Tweet your 140-character startup story @IDEACafe then call to schedule a date. ...
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Our common purpose:
#COChambers We cooperate with all Colorado chambers, clubs, associations, colleges, all who share our common purpose: to recover, imagine, think, and learn; to start, grow, and flourish; and to help others do the same, and in that way to strengthen the grassroots, the individual voice of the common person, in business and politics.
We do not lobby or endorse candidates or issues; our purpose is to inform, not reform.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Happy Ben Franklin's Birthday! American Hero!
I'd like to see his birthday (today, born January 17, 1706) and Martin Luther King's birthday combined into a two day celebration if America's Hero's, with 4 new members elected by registered voters at each general election.
Every major sport has a hall of fame, celebrities and entertainers have all kinds of ways to be recognized, but what about the citizen like Franklin who never was President but made every other President possible, likely we would not have a country today if not for him.
Watch for more about this in the next few days. We will discuss Friday as part of our LoDo Denver IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop. Join us!
John Wren