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Monday, December 31, 2018

Start Now! SBCC Startup Method.: Business in One Lesson.

Business in One Lesson.: What is the lesson? Fred Beisser:   Pilot ejecting from a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird Flying Team F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft at Mo... What do you think?

What's your story?

The original startup story:

Tell us your startup story on Startup Show, noon Eastern, 9 Pacific for members only, join today while it's still free. Join now, while it's on your mind, it's fast, fun, and free. Check it out:

"Visit Group" on

After you've joined and introduced yourself to this exclusive group call to schedule a date to tell your startup story from infront of your webcam. Call (303)861-1447 but not until you join and have posted the thumbnail of your story.


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: St. Stephen a Success?

John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: St. Stephen a Success?: Perfect icon for me today, St. Stephen who was stoned to death as St. Paul watched. Somewhere Shakespeare tells us in one of his plays (Ha...

Marketing tip, agree or disagree?

A famous sales trainer used to teach that the only difference between a good sales person and a con artist is that the good sales person delivers what is promised. They both use persuasion.

Someone on Twitter (if it was you, feel free to defend yourself with a comment here and a link to your URL) just suggested it's a good idea to tease with social media, save the "good stuff" for your site.

Yes, this is a powerful technique. But there is a problem. If your social media post is in the slightest misleading or if there is a problem with the connection, you may be creating a new connection on a poor foundation.

Trust is the most important ingredient in marketing. Don't loose trust with the first click.

That's how I see it, what do you think?

John Wren
Founder and President
Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Working to strengthen the grassroots, join us! 
Questions? Call me (303)861-1447

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: Family and Economics

John S Wren, MBA+++ Life's short, start now!: Family and Economics: What would have happened if George Washington had a family emergency the day before Christmas? Startup Show cancelled today because of (a...

Thursday, December 6, 2018

What I learned from George H.W. Bush
