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Tuesday, October 24, 2017


SBCC Startup Method-- Practices of: Recover, Imagine, Think, and Learn; to Start, Grow, and Flourish.
Great practice is Socrates Cafe, inspired by Chris Phillips'  book by the same name. Tonight and every Tuesday at Trinity Church (across street from Brown Palace Hotel) at 7 p.m. Free and open to everyone. For more info about metro-Denver Socrates Cafes and optional rsvp, see

(Please share this with anyone you know who might be interested when they are staying in Denver, ok? Thanks!)

Friday, October 20, 2017

IDEA Cafe Startup Workshop

IDEA Cafe is a 90 minute startup workshop for people who want to start in a new direction with their work, finding a new job, starting a new campaign or project, or starting a new business. Free and open to everyone. For more info and to rsvp CLICK HERE. Questions? Call (720)495-4949

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Don't miss new Netflix "Mind Hunter."

Idea for social entrepreneur? Real problem in need of a real solution. Check it out: +++ SBCC Method: Concerned? Don't miss new Netflix "Mind Hunter.": Netflix new release "Mind Hunter" is one of the best ways to get in touch with the real worldwide problem we have today, and the ...

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Start Now! SBCC Startup Method.: Amazon review: "Best book on startup."

Start Now! SBCC Startup Method.: Amazon review: "Best book on startup.": Daring Mighty Things-- The Simplest Way to Start Your First (or Next) New Business. The proven method for starting your new business. Double your money back if you tell us your startup story. Question? Call after you read the book (720)495-4949

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 +++ SBCC Method: Are you a member of a cult? +++ SBCC Method: Are you a member of a cult?: Why are some groups called 'cults' while other groups are not?  (or see below)  @SocratesCafes @IDEACafeC...